Alumni senate meets and names outstanding clubs
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The Notre D am e Alumni A ssociation has nam ed th e recip ient of its D istin guished Student Award for 1987. Jennifer Lynn C raw ford, a physicspre-m ed m ajo r from A tlanta, G eorgia, w as nam ed the aw ard-w inner a fte r being selected from a field of 55 nom inations. The w inner of the aw ard is chosen on the basis of th ree c rite ria , accord ing to M aria Miceli, a ss is tan t d irec to r of the alum ni association. The c r ite r ia are serv ice to Notre D am e, serv ice to the com m unity and good academ ic s tan d ing, she said. “ She’s excelled in all the a re a s tha t m ake h er a com plete p erso n ,” said Miceli. She said the unique aspect of the aw ard is th a t it doesn’t recognize just academ ic ach ievem ent or ju s t se r vice work as do m any cam pus aw ards. R ather, the aw ard recognizes a person who has m ade contribu tions in m any a re a s but who m ay have been passed over for o ther aw ards. C raw ford said she w as very happy and felt “ honored to receive (the a w a rd ) .” Craw ford received the aw ard a t a luncheon M ay 8 w here she gave a speech to an audience com prised of h e r paren ts , the selection com m ittee m em bers, and alum ni club rep resen ta tiv es . The rep resen ta tiv es w ere in South Bend for the alum ni senate. Craw ford sa id she will a ttend H a r v a rd M edical School a fte r being g rad u a ted from N otre D am e. She said she is cu rren tly in te rested in card io l ogy. “ But th a t m ay change once I ’m exposed to new a re a s of m edicine in m ed school,” Craw ford said . The selection com m ittee was com posed of rep resen ta tiv es from cam pus m in istry , the Office of Student A ffairs, the faculty , and the rec to rs. The o ther finalists in the com petition w ere Doug W urth, J im D om agalski and E ric a D ahl-Bredine. Distinguished student named by Alumni Association d ay m orning, sena te rep resen ta tiv es m e t w ith alum ni board m em b ers from across the country. “ We have reg ional b reak fa s ts w here alum ni board m em bers sit w ith (senate rep resen ta tiv es) and ta lk w ith them about problem s in th e ir p a rticu la r a re a s or p ro g ram s for next y e a r ,” Lennon said.
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